Journal of Social Sciences 2024-01-18T11:04:59+04:00 Givi Amaglobeli Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) is an official scholarly referred multi-disciplinary and peer-reviewed scientifically indexed journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, International Black Sea University, issued twice a year (spring and fall issues). The Journal has been successfully published since 2012.</p> <p>The Journal of Social Sciences publishes scholarly works in the field of social sciences concentrating on political, social, economic and legal issues as well as area studies, especially focusing on the wider Black Sea region. The aim of the Journal is to analyze various issues and provide readers with new perspectives on topics in social studies. This is achieved by publishing innovative, thought-provoking and analytical articles in diverse fields.</p> <p>The Journal is designed to foster the dissemination of ideas and research findings related to the social studies field. Its purpose is to bridge diverse communities of social scientists, provide information and debate on subjects of interest to diverse readership. </p> Struggle for Environmental Justice: Comparing Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani Historica Site and Dakota Pipeline Project 2024-01-18T10:35:57+04:00 Tea Chumburidze <p>The article discusses and analyses the challenges faced by the autochthonous populations like Geor- gians and Native Americans in the fight for their natural resources. The article provides a com- parative analysis on how Georgian and Native American nations had to struggle to protect their environment.<br />In 2004, an important archaeological discovery was made by the German and Georgian scientists on the Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani hill, located at the territory of the Bolnisi Municipality, Georgia. Later, the Georgian and foreign media outlets started discussing the world-wide scale and uniqueness of the pre-historic mine.<br />In 2013, the status of the Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani, as a cultural monument was deprived and the min- ing company “RMG Gold” got a permission to extract gold in the wider area where Sakdrisi was located, which caused protests from academics and preservationists.<br />Similar challenge was faced by Native Americans (in the U.S.) in 2016 (the problem lasted till 2020), when protests started around the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota (U.S.). The pipeline was supposed to run from the Bakken oil fields in western North Dakota to southern Illinois, crossing beneath the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, as well as under part of Lake Oahe near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Deception and euphemisms as a linguistic strategy in the context of (political) discourse 2024-01-18T10:41:24+04:00 Givi Amaglobeli <p>The paper discusses lying as an ordinal function of language in the context of political discourse. To begin with, the phenomenon of lying is regarded as an ordinary linguistic behavior with a spe- cific function for the speaking individual. Based on a variety of empirical data, the aforementioned function is thought to be a certain evolutionary strategy that provides concrete advantages (to in- dividuals).</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 2022 Russian-Ukrainian War and the Future of EU Energy and Transport Security: Analyzing the Implications of Diversifification the Transport and Energy Transit Routes – the Case of the Black Sea/Caspian Region 2024-01-18T10:49:40+04:00 Nika Chitadze <p>Given recent events, such as the full invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territories by the Russian army in 2022, this article critically analyzes how the use of the Caucasus-Caspian region could serve Brus- sels as an alternative means of diversifying energy sources to ensure its energy security. The study is comprehensive and covers various forms of energy projects. Particular attention is paid to exploring the various phases regarding Shah Deniz and potential expansion plans. In addition, it carefully ex- amines all other important factors associated with the production, transportation, and exploration of energy resources in the Caspian reserves.<br />In addition, a key task is to classify and compare the EU’s geopolitical priorities before and after the 2022 war, present an analysis of the complex paths of transformation of the EU’s energy supply, and clarify its new policies regarding the relations between the main regional players: the Russian Federation, the EU, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.<br />It has been established that the Black Sea-Caspian steppe contains valuable energy reserves. Due to the critical geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic importance of the region, the EU has an interest in the region. The study provides a comparative overview of different aspects of EU ener- gy diversification policies. It examines how these policies have influenced the approach of foreign states to the Caucasus-Caspian region, taking into account recent events. Moreover, it considers national goals and takes into account the important interests of leading powers.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Russia-Ukraine War: US Policy and Its Implications on Global World Order 2024-01-18T11:00:53+04:00 Tamar Karazanashvili <p>The Russia–Ukraine war and its future consequences is unclear, but how the process develops will clearly affect Russia’s future course, and how the war ends will have its fundamental implications for global order. Since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the United States has taken the lead in providing Ukraine with substantial military equipment and training, economic aid as well as diplomatic support. The paper focuses on the US strategic interests in Russia-Ukraine War, its role and implications on the world order. It analyses the regional affects and the US interests as a demo- cratic state in the global order. Finally, the paper focuses on US sanctions against Russia, underlines its influence over the regional security and democracy, and concentrates on the aids as well as funds provided by US to Ukraine.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 China: as an Emerging Superpower 2024-01-18T11:04:59+04:00 Sophia Chanukvadze* <p>The research paper aims to answer the main research question whether China can really become the next superpower towards the middle of 21st century through its economic performance, energy policy, population, nuclear capacity and ideology. The hypothesis of the research paper is that in 21st century international system will become a bipolar with hegemony of the United States and China.<br />With regard to the research methods, the following methods have been used: Case Study and Con- tent Analysis. Case Studies are perhabs the most widely used research approach in international relations (IR).<br />In addition, to assert the main research question the Content Analysis is used. That method involves analyzing large amounts of text-based data. During research it was exercised books, analytical arti- cles, and different research papers of international research institutes: like Carnegie Center, Center Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Belfer Center of International Affairs Harvard Kennedy School etc.<br />Other method is the statistical method, related to the presenting the concrete statistics, for instance, concerning GDP of China, statistics of foreign trade, energy import etc.</p> <p>Theoretical context in this research is theory of international relations Realism. Particularly Hans Morgenthau’s Realist Theory (6 principle) second principle – National Interest defined in terms of National Power. According to this principle nations always define and act for securing their national interests by means of power. History tells us that nations have always acted on the basis of power.</p> 2024-01-18T00:00:00+04:00 Copyright (c) 2024
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