To Determine Factors Leading to the Successful Development and Prosperity of Nations
DOI: Kelimeler:
Culture- Democratic Institution- Extractive- History- InclusiveÖzet
Throughout the course of history, there are multiple factors that may determine the success of a nation, or the failure of a nation. This paper underlines the factors that make nations powerful and prosperous while analyzing several institutions such as mainly focusing on institiuons such as democratic institutions, history, culture, ideology, geography,
and economic resources that shape the nations’ prosperity and development. It examines the institutions that fortify the foundation of the nation’s building. To further analyzing the factors, the paper pursue to find answers to what are some institutions factors as driving force and what to extend they are effective in nation’s prosperity and development? Which institution is extractive and which one is inclusive? The successful
nations of the past carry on their civilizational legacy to present-day nations and continue to influence their institutions in the present time while the failed civilizations are largely forgotten, obscured and left in the dustbin of history.